I’ve never LOVED working out like some folks, so I need all kinds of toys, tools and tricks to keep me going, like a cool reusable water bottle, iPod, great sneakers and my fitness buddy Gracie. Here are a couple of ways to make exercise fun (well almost) . . .
1. A ‘YES’ Attitude
Why is it that getting into a healthy routine of working out is sooooo difficult, but once you are in it and feel the benefits, it is easier to get up early or get off the couch or get away from that computer and get out there? When I’ve been off the beam with working out, it takes me a couple of weeks to get to that place of WANTING to get out there. What helps me through that first few days of dragging my big butt outside for a long walk or down to my gym in the basement is a little motivation and all those affirmations that may seem silly, but do really work. “I LOVE getting sweaty . . . I am strong and love panting . . .” it’s really more like, I LOVE the way I feel when I take the time to have some healthy activity!
2. Good, Clean Water
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia many years ago. Not sure I buy into it, but I do tend to suffer a lot more after workouts, especially if I don’t hydrate VERY well. EVERYONE needs proper hydration when working out. According to WebMD, if you plan to workout for less than an hour, water is best and you should drink BEFORE, DURING and AFTER.
Water and electrolytes are critical to our body’s functioning and when we exercise, we lose a lot of these in our sweat. If you workout for an hour or so, good clean water is great. If you are a marathon runner, perhaps a specialized drink with electrolytes might be better.
Tips for staying hydrated during exercise . . .
- Begin your workout already hydrated – make sure you drink 1 – 2 cups of water about 2 hours before working out
- Drink 8 oz. of water for every 15 minutes of workout – but if you go over 90 minutes, a sports drink may be necessary
- DO NOT buy bottled water – The water is generally no better than tap water and the landfills are loaded with plastic bottles. Here are 7 Good Reasons to Quit Drinking Bottled Water.
- Use a safe reusable water bottle – like my awesome purple Klean Kanteen (color coordination is always anenhancement – note the purple on the sneakers in the background). I’ve been using Klean Kanteens since I met one of the founders at GreenFest in DC back in 2007. I like them because they really are CLEAN – no BPA, they are completely non-toxic stainless steel (no liners), and well designed for easy cleaning. And of course, they come in all kinds of cool colors and designs, which is important to a Green Diva 😉
- Wear appropriate clothing – seems kind of like, “duh” but don’t wear heavy sweat pants if you are running midday in Arizona and expect not to sweat excessively
- Prepare for the climate – this seems obvious, but depending on where you are, the time of day, the humidity – these things can have an impact on your level of hydration.
3. The Buddy System
I have always enjoyed my workout routine best with a friend. Walking or running buddies are great and lately, my best exercise bud is Gracie the very energetic woof. She could walk ALL day and loves to run beside me or sit by me in the gym in the basement and give me encouraging looks and licks.
4. Great Music
I’m a sucker for great music and I consider my playlists the soundtrack of my life. Anyone that knows me knows I am a nut about my music. For me, great tunes can make all the difference in helping to motivate me in my workout and even enhancing my energy levels. Here’s the first 6 tunes t’d up in my playlist for my workout later today:
- Gopher Mambo – Yma Sumac
- I Play Chicken With The Train – Cowboy Troy
- Flyswatter – Eels
- AM Radio – Everclear
- Viking – Los Lobos
- Get This Party Started – Pink
Find your groove and work it baby!
5. Comfy Kicks
I’ve been told Pisces are ruled by the feet. I was born in the sun sign of Pisces and it may be true. If momma’s feet ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy! Of course, this is probably true for most people and there are a lot of reasons why well-fitting, supportive shoes are very important for your health as well as your comfort. I would refer to my chiropractor on this one . . .
This post is sponsored by Klean Kanteen & the Green Sisterhood
[Sports Medicine About.com]
[HPRC – Human Performance Resource Council]
October 10, 2013 at 11:08 am
I LOVE this post. You are talking right. at. me. I dread exercise and use all kinds of tricks to get me going too. And cool water bottle like this purple Klean Kanteen would do it! Now I have to add that color to my collection when mine gets worn out! (Mine is about 10 years old and still going strong!)
October 14, 2013 at 12:15 pm
Great advice, I drink a lot of water during and after my workout but never enough before hand. You are also so lucky that your dog will go on a walk with you. Mine is a homebody he will not go far with me, he prefers to play at home so I need to motivate myself!
October 19, 2013 at 9:38 am
great post! I don’t have a four legged friend to walk with me — so I go it alone or try to recruit two legged friends! 🙂 I find that wool socks are the best for preventing blisters — I used to be the queen of blisters!
October 20, 2013 at 7:18 am
Great tips! I find the first step out the door the hardest, the rest is always a pure blessing in some way. Music can be key. So can the silence. Nice post!