The Green Divas is the original green podcast and has been sharing low-stress ways to mitigate and adapt to our climate reality since 2006. Founding Green Diva Megan McWilliams Bouchard and Green Divas Lynn Broderick and Lisa McWilliams are refreshing the brand for the 2022 reboot. All have been involved in the Green Divas and other forms of media for decades and are committed to bringing solutions, hope, humor and of course credible information in an engaging and accessible format. Stay tuned for the best content for green, natural living, climate hope and stories of resilience.

Who knew that back in 1991, when GD Meg started Relevant Times magazine, the first magazine in the powerful New York market about sustainable living (although we didn’t even use the term “sustainable ” back in those days), and a simple digital radio show (2006) from the renegade HomeGrownRadioNJ studio, it would blossom into a family of popular podcasts, videos, social media and of course a blog.
The podcasts are produced from our professional recording studio and sustainable farmette on 10 acres in Lafayette, NJ — GD PonderRosa Studios — along with great music, audiobooks, videos and of course other podcasts.
Our 1 GD Minute video series offers clever recipe and DIY tutorials to help share some of the easiest ways to be healthier and get into a deeper shade of green.
Please subscribe to our YouTube channel!
We’re the original green podcast!
We’re the Green Divas!
The Devilish Details
Green Diva Picks & Reviews Policy
Please note that we do not solicit products for review—they are offered to us on a regular basis. WE ONLY REVIEW THE PRODUCTS WE LIKE. We do not pay for the products we test, review and consider recommending, and we are often offered “samples” of items, rather than retail marketed items.
Our “reviews” should be considered recommendations although they may comment on negative aspects if there are any we feel the need to share about. IF WE DON’T LIKE A PRODUCT, WE DON’T RECOMMEND OR REVIEW IT. We are NEVER paid for our reviews. We donate all the products that are leftover (as appropriate or applicable) from product testing, reviewing, etc.
GD Podcast Sponsorship Policy
We are interested in working with a small group of sponsors that are aligned with our core values in terms of responsible, sustainable business practices offering transparency and clarity as to their manufacturing, general business, social responsibility and product offerings. We do our best to ensure that our sponsors represent these values, but do not guarantee their representations to us or through their sponsorship/advertising and are not responsible for any claims they may make.
How We Choose Featured Guests for Our Podcasts
We’ve shifted our focus after our CoVID hiatus. With some time off, we realize that our original goal to shout the message that “climate change is real” as one of the earliest green media outlets, has been achieved. Hopefully we played a part in getting the mainstream media and the average person to pay attention to our climate crisis. But with all the media pretty much on board and talking about these issues on a daily basis, we felt that our original mission needed to be revised to focus on this awakening to our accelerating climate reality as evidenced by extreme weather, wild fires, temperature changes, rapidly melting polar ice caps, etc.
Our refreshed vision is to continue to focus on solutions, resilience, how to live with and adapt to this new ever-changing climate, how to mitigate and halt continued destructive human behavior and find hope anywhere we can!
Although we do our homework, we are a small band of unpaid podcast gypsies and cannot take responsibility for claims made by our guests. Here are a few things we consider when choosing a guest for the Green Divas Podcast:
- We rarely do interviews about products or companies
- Our interviews are generally focused on issues, trends, helpful information and resources
- We do some author interviews
- There are no titles, degrees or certificates necessary to participate in any of our podcast series. In fact, we love homegrown news on what works from the front lines of living!