An interesting discussion with Starre Vartan, founder/publisher of about why organic clothes matter and why we should all be paying closer attention to eco-fashion for our own health, the health of those that produce it, and of course, the health of the planet.
Posted 11 years ago Tagged
the Green Divas myEARTH360 report this week focuses on some WTF (What The Frack or When the F) bottled water stuff, like why the heck is draught-ridden California letting big water bottling companies continue to drain the remaining water supply? And more water-related and other environmental news . . .
Posted 11 years ago Tagged
Happy August! Starting the month our right with an excellent Green Divas Radio Show. The show features the dynamic Susan McPherson, who is a serial connector and corporate responsibility expert. Great Travelin Green Divas segment with Gary Diedrichs, publisher of Green Traveler Guides on eco-travel on any budget. Get your August organic gardening “to-do” list. Learn why you should eat organic eggs from Green Diva Giselle Achecar, and lots more . . .
Posted 11 years ago Tagged
Green Diva Giselle Achecar, of Eco Rico TV shares with us some eggsellent reasons to chose organic eggs, and she talks about some of her best recipes using organic eggs.
Posted 11 years ago Tagged
Green Diva Ali Hoffman offers us more excellent tips for gardening — this time for the month of August. I was surprised how many veggie crops can be started for a second time this late in the season, even in the colder zones!
Posted 11 years ago Tagged
The word of this week’s Green Divas myEARTH360 is “perplexed.” We’re working hard to reduce carbon emissions from fossil fuels, and shift to cleaner sources, but we are exporting more natural gas and oil out of the country? As if the atmosphere over the US isn’t connected to the rest of the planet? And when GMOs fail . . .