About Author

Green Diva Meg

(aka Megan McWilliams Bouchard) is the founder of The Green Divas media brand; the producer and host of the popular The Green Divas podcast; and founded GDGD Radio Network (the first green and healthy living radio network on earth for the earth). Green Diva Meg is well-known as a green living expert, media personality and podcast producer.
Comments (3)
  1. Wayne Bouchard (reply)

    July 25, 2022 at 5:17 pm

    Congratulations – the world needs the Green Diva’s right now.

  2. Joan Johnson (reply)

    July 25, 2022 at 6:57 pm

    I agree it’s time for the Green Divas to support people in ways to mitigate and adapt to our changing climate.

    After my husband died I realized it’s time for me to figure out what I want the last chapter of my life to look like. I decided I wanted to share love and kindness and whatever help I can provide to make this a better world for future generations. The Green Divas has always been solution focused. Time to resuscitate that inspiration to challenge the status quo and make whatever changes we can. I love that your back Megan the timing is perfect.

  3. Weenie Greenie at the Ready (reply)

    July 26, 2022 at 9:03 am

    YIPPIE YAPPY YAHOOOOOIIIIEEEE!!!! I always adore and appreciate your authenticity, and how you speak so closely to my own heart, and to every human heart – and you make me laugh while crying! Thank you for every thing, always 🙂 Cheers to the Spirit Pub and Green Divas!!! After the rain, we ride at dawn! xoxoxoxoxox

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