In this GD Health & Beauty podcast segment, I talked with Green Diva Meg about the diverse natural remedies to counteract the radiation we’re surrounded by in this modern world.
When it comes to radiation and toxic exposure, we’re all guinea pigs…
Our three sources of oxygen—food, water and air—are polluted and bound with toxins. All forms of pollution starve our bodies of oxygen. When it comes to nuclear radiation, we are all guinea pigs in this experiment. Here are a few ideas that may help us adapt and survive radiation and toxic exposure. We need to remember that nothing is 100 percent guaranteed and supplies of many of these foods and supplements may already be in short supply.
There are a number of foods that can better help our bodies tolerate the effects of pollution and radiation.
Keep in mind that the kidneys are one of the first organs to suffer from radiation damage. Eating lower on the food chain minimizes our chemical intake.
The seed buckwheat is high in rutin, helps to protect against radiation and stimulates new bone marrow production.
The mucilaginous fibers in seaweed (such as kelp, kombu, arame, nori, sea lettuce, dulse, wakame and hiziki) help to prevent the reabsorbtion of radioactive strontium 90, barium, cadmium and radium by binding with them and carrying them out of the body.
Sea vegetables are also high in natural iodine, which can load the thyroid, so that radiation is not absorbed. Eat two tablespoons daily for protection and be careful of overdoing. Be sure seaweeds are from clean waters.
Following the bombing of Nagasaki, a group of surviving macrobiotic doctors and their patients avoided radiation sickness by eating brown rice, miso soup, seaweed Hokkaido pumpkin, and sea salt and were told to avoid sugar and white flour products. These patients did not get leukemia, though the hospital was only one mile from the bombsite!
“Chlorophyll” foods
High chlorophyll foods like wheatgrass, spirulina, chlorella and barley grass strengthen cells, transport oxygen, help detoxify the blood and liver as well as help neutralize polluting elements and stimulate RNA production. One can take 3-5 grams daily of these super foods.
Sulfur rich vegetables in the Brassicceae family like broccoli, cabbage, kale, radish, Brussels sprouts, arugula, rutabaga, turnip, bok choy and mustard greens combine with toxins and help to prevent free radical damage. Also rich in protective sulfur include garlic, onions, and beans.
Pectin foods
High pectin foods like carrots, sunflower seeds and apples help to keep pollutants from being assimilated. High beta-carotene foods (like green leafy vegetables, carrots, winter squash and sweet potatoes) help promote healthier immunity and cellular protection.
Unpasteurized sauerkraut helps promote healthy intestinal flora.
Garlic keeps radioactive isotopes from being absorbed. Radiation sickness can also contribute to the development of anemia, so green foods and beets can all help build the blood.
Nutritional yeast, high in B vitamins, binds, absorbs and carries heavy metals out of our systems. After the fact, foods that are rich in nucleic acids can help us to rebuild and include spirulina, chlorella, nutritional yeast and bee pollen.
Learn to identify and eat some of the wild edible plants from unpolluted areas such as chickweed, dandelion, malva and violets.