Listen to this fun Green Divas Radio Show Foodie-Phile segment featuring Charles Chen of Raw Youth talking about the benefits of switching from caffeine to Yerba Mate.
Most people wake up every single day and go straight for the cup of coffee!
Coffee can be healthy in moderation, but in large amounts can be very dehydrating and acidic to our bodies. Not to mention many people have more than one cup a day with added sugar and cream. No worries! There are coffee alternatives that never compromise in taste, and don’t give you the crash!
1: Yerba Mate
Yerba Mate comes from South American filled with polyphenols, vitamins and minerals. Buy organic! You can even buy them in loose leave form.
- Rich in Antioxidants
- Supports Mental Clarity
- Increases Endurance
- Aids Digestion
- Controls Weight
2: Cacao
This is unlike conventional chocolate which are filled with sugar, milk and preservatives. Raw Cacao is one of the most powerful foods in the world, filled with magnesium, theobromineand flavonoids.

- Fights Free Radicals
- Aids Increase Endorphins
- Increased Energy
- Can help Lower Blood Pressure
- Helps Digestion
Check out my Coffee Alternative Elixir!
3: Green Juice

Green Juice is like getting all your daily vegetables servings in a glass! Filled with phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals. This will help alkalize your system, and give you that extra kick to start your day off right! I suggest making your own, or buying cold-pressed organic juices to ensure enzymes are readily available.
- Mineral Rich For Strong Bones
- Aids Digestion
- Flushes Our Toxins
- Anti-Inflammatory
- Clear Beautiful Skin
How To Make Green Juice Without a Juicer!
Listen the entire Green Divas Radio show here:
More Charles Chen Recipes & Tips @
Conie|Mexico Timeshare Scam
May 9, 2014 at 3:36 pm
Nice article, thanks for sharing, it was so interesting. I love your blog!!
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