GD Spirit Pub
With Valentine’s Day looming large, GD Meg and Weenie Greenie Julie wanted to share their experience of real love, and it isn’t always like a fairy tale! Kahlil Gibran nailed it with his description of love in his book The Prophet, and GD Meg reads it for us. If you want or need to be inspired to find love within and without, hoping you will listen to this great episode.
CLICK HERE to check out GD Meg’s great post about having a magical Valentine’s Day even if you’re solo!
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Weenie Greenie Julie
March 24, 2019 at 3:21 pm
It totally takes a big brave heart to step into deep kooky human LOVE. Happy to be on the journey with YOU pixie Meg!!!!! Love ya to the moon, and back down the eviscerator!!! Over and over again. Whahoo Mtn doo doo
Green Diva Meg
March 24, 2019 at 3:40 pm
ha ha ha… you bring so much joy to my world. and giggles too. love you bubsie ubsie!