A great Green Dude segment featuring Scott Laaback, permaculture manager at Kalani, the amazing retreat on Hawaii’s big island, where we visited in 2014. They are embarking on an ambitious program to be self-sustaining regarding food for 200 people by 2020.
Posted 10 years ago Tagged
As always an excellent Green Divas myEARTH360 report by GD Lynn Hasselberger on the heels of Fashion Week all about Rainforest Action Network’s “Out of Fashion” campaign to raise awareness of the impact of the fashion industry on trees and our environment.
Posted 10 years ago Tagged
A fascinating Green Divas Eco-Sexy episode with Jennifer Reed, who’s doctoral dissertation is focused on eco-sexuality and how sexuality, gender and the environment interact. She’s has a refreshing point of view.
Posted 10 years ago Tagged
There’s a movement afoot in Illinois to get food labeling to include GMOs when appropriate. Jack Miller from Food and Water Watch, who is leading the charge. He and GD Lynn Hasselberger are activating folks to make it happen. Listen to Jack Miller talk about getting things going for GMO food labeling in Illinois.
Posted 10 years ago Tagged
For those living through the deep freeze of winter or anyone who loves growing things, a fun and inspiring Green Divas Green Thumb episode featuring Shawna Coronado.
Posted 10 years ago Tagged
A spirited conversation with Jesse Howley, ecology and green tech specialist and fan of people and special places. Jesse talks about why “sustainability” sucks. It’s probably not what you think, so listen up to find out what this is all about!