50 Shades of Green Divas: James Cromwell goes to jail

Award-winning actor and activist James Cromwell is taking a stand for the environment and all of us by heading off to jail after protesting a new power plant in Wawayanda, New York. He and fellow protester Pramilla Malick speak to the Green Divas just prior to a July 14th rally to help amplify the issue and see them off to their stint in the county jail. This is relevant to all of us, not just folks in NY State. Please listen.

50 Shades of Green Divas: Climate Listening Project

So great to catch up with Dayna Reggero, director/producer of the Climate Listening Project and a new series The Stories We Want featuring women on the front lines of climate change and environmental issues. Funny conversation about why being an eco-alpha-bitch is and why each of us (GD Meg, GD Max & GD Dayna) is proud to be one!