There are times in life when people must know when not to let go. Balloons are designed to teach small children this.
~ Terry Pratchett
Well, as some of my GD friends might say, “what a long strange trip it’s been.” There were many times I wanted to let go, but by no virtue of my own and mostly because of the love and support of family, friends, crazy colleagues and many fabulous fans, I have managed to hang on.
From a small regional magazine to one of the leading (and certainly long-lasting) names in green media, it really has been an awesome and dizzying ride (complete with associated nausea and occasional dread).
Big Love & Gratitude

When I write or say, “we” there are many tireless, countless, talented friends, family, soulmates, interns and wayward audio geeks, who have come and gone and contributed to who “we” are today.
Our current roster of amazing and talented GD hosts include: Wayne Bouchard (GDp); Julie Bond Genovese (GD Spirit Pub); Maxine Margo Rubin (50 Shades of GDs & GDp); Lisa McWilliams (roving GD field reporter & former co-host The Green Divas Radio Show) & Mike Nowak (GD Mike Nowak Show). I could write paragraphs of adoration and gratitude for each one, but I’ll simply suggest that you read more about each of them HERE.
Past contributors who deserve more than a mention and still get my big gratitude for their contributions are Jenifer O’Neill, Jessie Heissenbuttel, Mizar Turdiu, Gina Gioldassis, Lynn Hasselberger, Rob Koppel, Scott Rousseau, Doug McWilliams, Greig Session, Paul Miller, Ivan Lee, Todd Mills +
There are honestly too many wonderful generous people to mention and for those that know me and my lame memory, forgive me if I’ve missed you. It most certainly isn’t because I don’t appreciate you!
We started doing radio in 2006 on We did
The Green Divas Radio Show as a live 1-hour streaming show. It was a blast.
In 2010, we were chosen by CBS’s new digital radio network to be featured as prime time shows along with Neil deGrasse Tyson’s show, StarTalk. While the ink was drying on our contract, CBS scuttled the entire digital radio network project, but then one of the producers approached us because he believed we had a solid show and helped us up our game and get us to the next level.
The next level was a live 1-hour terrestrial radio show on the largest AM station in northern NJ, WMTR. During this time, I learned a lot about editing and began making wobbly steps into podcasting.
By 2012, we realized that our digital audience was much bigger than our local terrestrial audience and we built our own cool broadcast studio in Boonton, NJ, where we streamed our live, 1-hour show via
In 2014, we shifted gears and went into an all-on-demand, podcast format and ratcheted up our digital game to the next level, creating a variety of shorter topical podcasts and very short 1-2 minute audio shorts/vignettes.
We did have an epic year in 2015 in launching the first ever digital radio network programmed 24/7 with the best green and healthy living radio shows from around the country. We had some big names and great content, but the heartache of launching and keeping it going proved fatal after only a year… waaaahhhh. But this fun video we produced to promo our crowdfunding campaign at that time lives on. Note the fabulous voice over from our own GD Mike Nowak.
Our RSS feed has evolved to what is now a family of podcasts that are all about greener, healthier living in a variety of formats. From 50 Shades of Green Divas our narrative report on topics relating to the environment and climate change to GD Spirit Pub, which is a lively and fascinating discussion about spirituality; and all the fun shows in between:
- GDp (GD Politics / Gross Domestic Politics)
- GDs Heart Wildlife
- GD Foodies
- GD Mike Nowak Show
- more coming in 2019!
We now have a pretty souped up studio in Parsippany, New Jersey and have some great field recording equipment in the hands of producers in NY, NJ and Maine. We’ve also partnered up with a gorgeous recording studio in Lafayette, New Jersey that is gearing up for some VERY special events. Stay tuned for more news on that.
We’ve managed to stay in the game and grow into a meaningful contributor in amplifying the voice of climate hope, social justice and practical good living — all while keeping a sense of humor of course.
Big gratitude for all our listeners who have kept us going in the face of sometimes daunting odds. Sending huge digital hugs to you all! Can you feel it? Can you feel the love? We sure do…
I know you want to help us keep going.
No, I’m not asking for money…
The next best thing to cash would be a great review on iTunes. Would help significantly boost our standing there and get us a bit more screen time with new audience. Please and thank you in advance!
gd meg