It would be so nice sometimes to say, “C’mon! That guy’s a dick! Can’t I just be indignant and maybe lash out and smack him or something?” But in the end after all the gnashing of teeth and growling, it’s my choice to react or deal with why that guy being a dick bothers me so much.
Often when I’m disrupted by someone or something outside of me and I want to blame them for my misery, I have to do some work on the inside. Investigate deeply why that should rock my otherwise awesome world. I have to ask myself if I’ve done something to cause him to be a dick. In particularly stubborn situations that turn into burning resentments, writing helps. Definitely talking to enlightened friends can help. Bottom line is that I need to not place the responsibility for my peace and happiness on anyone or anything out “there.”
9. It isn’t Personal
Not a news flash, but also not an easy one to overcome. It often seems like every thing is about me, and all that crap out there is directed at me, but nine times out of 10, when that bitchy person is actually directing an attack seemingly at me, using words like, “you suck! blah blah blah,” it really isn’t about ME! It’s about them and whatever dark stuff they’re going through and projecting onto me.
Although all the bad news in the world isn’t personal, sometimes it feels very personally threatening. I have to work on not personalizing everything. It’s great to relate to stuff and be part of the global community and all, but I’m just a drop of sunshine in this vast ocean of life.
10. Be the Good
I know you’ve heard it and seen it a million times, but Mahatma Gandhi nailed it with this one:
“Be the good you wish to see in the world.”
Seriously, it’s contagious. If the law of the universe about “like” attracting “like” is true, then do good, be good, and see the good blossoming around you.
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