Noelle Meade-Izzi’s quest is to bring awareness to her beautifully coined expression ~”spiritual pollination.” Green Diva Meg and I were excited by the term and it’s implication for raising the vibration of our life experiences and more profoundly, our Earth. Spiritual pollination is about what energy we put out into the world. By putting positive energy, thought and action out, we create a world of Divine balance ~ the same kind of balance that we see, and experience in Nature.
Noelle had a beautiful experience with a hummingbird that changed her perspective and turned her world around. The hummingbird was brought in by the Divine to pollinate a message of Joy. The Native Americans believe that the hummingbird feathers open the heart. Without an open heart, we can not experience the beauty and bliss of life. Hummingbird is a bird of true Joy. This bird is the only one who can fly up, down and in each direction, It can also seem as though it is literally hanging still in the air. Hummingbird, though teeny tiny, is a powerful pollinator. Because of it’s free spirit, it can not live in captivity.
We talked briefly about Dr. Masaru Emoto ~ the world renown scientist, who proved that words, written or spoken, will change how water crystals form. Beautiful music and words spoken to water or even written on a glass of water creates beautiful crystal formations in the water that can be witnessed after it isfrozen. Negative words spoken into or taped onto the glass of water created deformed and imbalanced crystals.
Visit Dr. Emoto’s website and be astounded by what vibrations a word will create in water. Then take it a step further to understand the impact that you have every day with EVERY word you speak and think…
To learn more about Noelle Meade~Izzi and her work, please visit her website, which is dedicated to helping bees and other pollinators.
Read the turkey vulture story on Noelles bee-nevolent blog.
begin your spiritual pollination by listening to this GVK podcast
Amy Murphy
March 14, 2014 at 7:40 pm
Great term “Spiritual Pollination” – I’m sure to use it.
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