Happy 2013! After a short holiday break, we are back in the studio – wooohoooo! Green Diva Meg spent her Christmas morning on FOX 5 Good Day NY sharing 5 Easy Ways to Keep it Green in 2013.
GD Jamie back from Israel – GD Jamie spent her break in Israel, riding camels and educating herself on Israel’s clean technology.
Foodie Fun – Green Diva Meg also celebrated her first wedding anniversary on New Year’s Eve (congrats!), and enjoyed a special meal Adara Restaurant in Montclair, NJ.
She described the food as science meets art meets foodie heaven. The chef describes it as modernist. GD Meg said it is an extraordinary culinary experience not to be missed. She had the 7 course vegetarian tasting that included a couple of mocktails (non-alcoholic treats), one that involved a lit/smoking piece of cinnamon stick, and one that was described as a “deconstructed cracker jack.” GD Meg had our mouths watering when she described the nitrous oxide aerated soup that featured a nitrogen-fried roquefort mousse, and the creative presentation of the “buddha belly,” which involved a glass plate with a hole in it with a bowl full of smoking herbs “for the aromatic effect.”
Green Diva Farewell – Back in 1991, GD Meg started a magazine about sustainable living called, Relevant Times, which after two separate versions (the last from 2006 – 2008) would evolve into the Green Divas. GD Meg’s ex-husband, Jon Rousseau was an integral part of that first version of the magazine back in the early 1990’s. While the marriage didn’t last (nor did that version of the magazine!), they divorced and remained friendly. The best of their union being their daughter, sweet Green Diva Mary.
Always remaining close to Jon’s family, Jon’s brother Scott ended up in the studio goofing around with the Green Divas and eventually became Green Dude Scott.
It is with a heavy heart the Green Diva family grieves the loss of Jon to that wicked and unforgiving cancer this past week (December 30, 2012).
Here’s a fun pic of the original Relevant Times crew back in 1991

GD Correspondent: Laima Adomatis Brown, Alabama
Our GD Correspondent this week was Laima Adomatis Brown from Gulf Shores, Alabama. GD Laima is an artist who specializes in Eco-Art and Jewelry – Artweeds.com .
She discussed an interesting trend in shipping container architecture. In Alabama, there is a new restaurant called The Gulf, which is made entirely of renovated shipping containers.
This industrial style architecture is spreading all over the country and is has potential as a great and eco-friendly idea.
Green Diva Jamie’s Trip to Israel 
Our in-house Jewish consultant, GD Jamie had the opportunity to travel to Israel for 10 days during the holiday break. She explored the country from the luscious green North to the sandy dessert South.
During her visit she learned all about Israel’s clean-tech initiatives. Israel is one of the leading countries on solar energy and research. Most Israeli’s use electric cars out of pure necessity since getting gas is very difficult. Israel is also a very water conscience country. Since the beginning of the countries independence in 1948 they have had great difficulties in obtaining clean drinking water. Although since then water is more easily accessible, the country has not forgotten their early years and the difficulty they had. To this day there are polite signs in all bathrooms asking people to remember to not abuse the water and all toilets are equipped with two different flushers for “number 1” and “number 2.”
Green Diva Mizar’s DIY: Light My Fire
GD Mizar, our resident repurposing queen, gave us a great project to help keep those home fires burning during those cold January nights. Go to GD Mizar’s instructions for easy, non-toxic, DIY fire starters.
Feature Interview: Jennifer Boyd
Jennifer Boyd of Boyd Wellness called in this week to offer some thoughtful and easy ways to create a healthier environment at home. Jennifer is a PA (physician’s assistant) and nutritionist whose primary goal is to teach people how to live a more holistic life.
Jennifer stressed that it is important to get the entire family involved in keeping the home healthier.
Here are a few things Jennifer recommends to keep your home healthy
Green Water: Recycling and reusing water in the home
Keep pitchers by the sink to capture half consumed glasses of water or excess water from cooking pots. You can then use the water to water the house plants, which are great for cleaning the indoor air. Also, keep buckets in the shower to capture wasted splash water. If it takes awhile for your water to get hot leave the bucket in the shower before you get in to collect the water to save.
Wifi timer
Reduce your exposure to EMFs in the house by putting your wifi router on a timer so it shuts off at night for more restorative sleep while saving money.
Flip it!
Jennifer sends her kids on a timed mission to race through the house turning off electrical switches or unplugging energy vampires as much is possible before the timer goes off. The one with the highest amount of switches off gets marbles in their reward jar. This is a fun way for the kids to get involved and learn about energy conservation.
You can buy organic cotton or down blankets on sale after the holidays and lay them on your favorite couches and chairs so the kids can cuddle up easily and you can keep the thermostat turned down.
Go shoe-free in 2013!
Put a welcoming sign at your front door that proclaims your home as a shoe-free zone, and ask EVERYONE to leave their shoes at the door. This Asian custom dramatically reduces the amount of toxins, dirt and chemicals that get dragged into your home environment. Those chemicals bioaccumulate over time contributing to asthma and allergies and Illness.
Medicine cabinet cleanse
Stop buying first aid products made from petrochemicals. Try some natural remedies instead like colloidal silver and calendula and Arnica creams. Keep Bach’s rescue remedy on hand for the bumps and scrapes that make your little gurus wail.
Plastic container uses
Recycle plastic containers from take out food and produce by using them to organize toys in the play area or for gardening supplies. Use glass instead to store leftover food. Ball jars are fabulous and inexpensive for leftover foods.
For more great ideas for home and health check out Jennifer’s website: Boydwellness.com