Please join us in being part of the solution! Visit our Why Should We Care Campaign page and please donate (and get some awesome goodies when you do)!
GUEST GREEN DIVA – EcoKaren, Captain EcoEtsy & Editor of GreenLivingIdeas.com
Green Twitter Party! GD Meg and EcoKaren attended a green twitter party hosted by Practically Green last week. Head-spinning fun (sans alcohol!). It was well-organized, moderated and attended, and there was some great information and giveaways too.
This weekly segment is sponsored by Essentia, The Only All Natural Memory Foam Mattress in the World! Every week we will discuss an entry from this hilarious and totally practical book, Sleeping Naked is Green by Vanessa Farquharson.
Listen to this week’s 5-min segment: Use Low-VOC or Water-Based paints
Chris Murphy of Smart Little House called in for this one – VOCs (Volelite Organic Compounds) are chemical compounds that vaporize into the air when they dry, so we breathe them in and cause a variety of health and environmental issues. Chris kind of surprised us when he said that not all non-VOC paints or household products are not necessarily toxic free. He points out that similar to the food industry, not all ingredients have to be listed and are not currently regulated. So, while low or zero-VOC products are good, they are only low in the hundreds of toxic chemicals being regulated and the reality is that there are hundreds of thousands of NON-REGULATED toxic chemicals that could be and are sometimes included, but not listed. Oh boy. Lots of homework to be done here!
Chris noted that a Harvard study showed that kids have a higher rate of asthma and allergies when their rooms were freshly painted while they were newborns or before they were born.
For information on choosing healthier paints, Chris recommended going to SmarterPaint.com
FEATURED GUEST(s) – co-Founders, Jessica Alba & Christopher Gavigan of the Honest Company
Both Jessica and Christopher have taken slightly different paths to sustainable living, but they both are passionate about presenting ideas and products with clarity and transparency to help avoid all the green washing going on. The Honest Company was inspired by Jessica’s children and from necessity, because as Jessica stated, when she became a mother she found it hard to find products that were truly green, safe, and really eco-friendly for her children.
If you liked this interview, you’ll want to mark your calendars because Jessica and Christopher will be on the Green Divas Radio Show LIVE on March 31! Please post questions for them on the Green Divas Radio Show Facebook page and we’ll be sure to ask them for you!
FoodShedAlliance.org – an organization dedicated to making sure we have sustainable and locally grown food in northern NJ.
GreenDrinks.org – A national organization with local chapters in most areas of the country. A great way to network and meet like-minded green folks.
“Like” us on Facebook and mention G2 Organics to get in the running for G2 product give away!
Pingback: How Non-Toxic is Zero-VOC Paint? | Care2 Healthy Living
Pingback: Is Zero-VOC Paint Really Non-Toxic?
Pingback: More Honest Green Talk with Jessica Alba
Pingback: Is Zero-VOC Paint Really Non-Toxic?