Green Diva’s Jen and Meg will be heading up the ‘Green Media’ panel at this year’s Green Ventures conference at Fairleigh Dickenson University. The title of the conference is: Jumpstarting the New Green Economy. This three day event starts May 19 and runs through May 21 with a lot of activities – panels, exhibitions, speakers, etc. The keynote speaker will be David Grant of the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation.
There are a lot of excellent and informative panels, but of course the ‘Green Media’ panel will be among the coolest. Our panel will be held on Wednesday, May 20 @ 10am. Be there or be square!
Green Media Panel
What is ‘Green’ media and how does it fit into the rapidly evolving media landscape? We will discuss how to work with the media to reach your audience whether it is B2B or B2C. We will explore and share about what has worked and what has not in terms of ‘traditional’ media as well as burgeoning new ‘social’ media environments. This is intended to be an interactive forum, please feel free to offer questions and suggestions for this panel in advance – but you’ll have to be there to have a great green time!
Panelists include:
Green Diva Meg (aka Megan McWilliams): Author, Green Divas Radio Show producer/host, professional ‘green’ blogger/product reviewer, PR/marketing professional, recovering publisher
Sandra Holtzman: President Holtzman Communications, offering PR/Marketing for Cleantech companies; Founder/Board Member Cleantech Corridor
Greg Mattison: Producer/Host of ‘Newly Greens’ a local television show and global podcast about green living
Jenifer O’Neill (aka Green Diva Jen): Green Divas Radio Show co-host, professional ‘green’ blogger/product reviewer, PR/marketing professional
Jane Tabachnick – Chief Visionary/Gal Geek/Gal Green Jane Tabachnick Marketing, focused on social media and sustainability
Hope to see you there!
eat. blog. be merry!
GD Meg