Green Dude Eco Ed, back from Hawaii, did a great segment on just a FEW reasons to reduce our use of plastic.
Posted 12 years ago Tagged
OOOOOH – can’t wait to make some of these! GD Mizar tells us how easy it is to make your own tiki torches from old glass bottles.
Posted 12 years ago Tagged
Great show featuring the Ultimate Cheapskate, Jeff Yeager talking about great ideas for having a cheap, fun and green summer. We also heard from Jenny Bradford, publisher of Conscientious Confusion blog, who reported on the March on Monsanto in Dallas, Texas. Also, a fun DIY with GD Mizar – making tiki torches out of old beer bottles!
Posted 12 years ago Tagged
Green Diva Mizar gives us a great tutorial on how to use all those wine bottles (for your green diva and dude winos) to make lanterns for the garden
Posted 12 years ago Tagged
Eco Ed Scwhartz gives us some easy ways for us to reduce our carbon footprint, which can have an effect on our climate crisis.
Posted 12 years ago Tagged
We were all in the studio this week. Got a call from Brittany Gordon of the EPA about their new Team Energy Star campaign to help get more young people involved in reducing our carbon footprints by reducing our energy consumption. Green Dude Eco Ed follows up with more ways to help reduce our carbon footprints, and Green Diva Mizar gives us a tutorial on how to make wine bottles into garden lanterns. Much more, including GD Mizar’s lunch w/ Jessica Alba . . .