Green Divas Radio Show: Eric Ellenwood on Permaculture

A full show with a lot of great information — from our discussion with permaculture dude Eric Ellenwood from the Kalani, in Hawai’i to GD Lynn Hasselberger’s excellent Green Divas myEARTH360 report on food production and why we need to pay attention. Toss in a Green Divas Eco-Sexy segment with Brigitte Mars and a lil Green Divas Green Thumb segment and you’ve got everything you need for the week . . . well sort of . . .

Global Food Sustainability, Smog-Eating Roof Tiles & More Earth News

wow. It’s taken us 10,000 years to learn to grow as much food as we are growing now — in just 4 short decades, we have to double it . . . yikes! GD Lynn Hasselberger has more shocking statistics about this, some possible solutions. She also talks about roof tiles that could seriously reduce air pollution. Listen to this excellent Green Divas myEARTH360 report . . .

Green Dudes: Jeff MacIntire-Strasburg on Rocket Stoves

Rocket stoves are actually NOT rocket science, but simple technology that can easily be built w/ a variety of accessible resources to help provide safe and economical cooking facilities for those in developing countries. Great conversation with Green Dude Jeff MacIntire-Strasburg, publisher of Check it out.

Green Divas Radio Show: Ellen Gunter, Earth Calling

f you haven’t read Ellen Gunter’s amazing book, Earth Calling: A Climate Change Handbook for the 21st Century, go find it it now. Meanwhile, Listen to this Green Divas Radio Show podcast to hear Ms. Gunter, and also get the latest GD myEARTH360 report to learn about the reason Oklahoma may be having a crazy amount of earthquakes; hear one of our favorite green dudes, Louie Schwartzberg; get midsummer gardening tips; find out how to avoid breast cancer-causing chemicals and lots more!