Are you experiencing climate change impact in your community? And in what ways are folks rallying to adapt and meet the challenges caused by climate disruption? Dayna Reggero launched an important Climate Listening project in her community of Western North Carolina. Listen to what she is learning from people who are telling their stories . . .
Posted 10 years ago Tagged
Many of us are wary of all the chemicals we can be exposed to in salons, and we do our best to minimize contact with them. Imagine if it was your job and you had to breathe them in and handle them every day! Listen to this Green Divas Health & Beauty podcast to get a greater awareness of salon toxins and what you can do to help salon workers.
Posted 10 years ago Tagged
Ok. So, we found out in part 1 of this series that menopause CAN be sexy and about some foods that can help. In part 2 of the Green Divas Eco-Sexy: Menopause is Sexy, we’re all about herbs — not just for women of a certain age either — herbs for men and women. We thought we knew a lot about herbs, but there are some things we’ve never heard of. Great info! Listen up!
Posted 10 years ago Tagged
Ever feel like you are addicted to your digital devices? Well, most of us are. It’s important for so many reasons to unplug and find balance, to reconnect with ourselves, our families, and nature. GD Meg offers us a wonderful guided meditation as well as a few strategies for taking mini tech timeouts throughout the day. You’ll want to bookmark this one!
Posted 10 years ago Tagged
great conversation with Bianca Alexander about how to find your best authentic style. Green Divas Eco-Style.
Posted 10 years ago Tagged
The first part in our Green Divas Eco-Sexy Menopause is Sexy series focusing on ways women can prepare to be at their very best leading up to and during “them changes.” This episode focuses on foods that support women’s health specifically for menopause.