We love Green Dude (or Divo) Mike Nowak, who is not only a master gardener, but a radio show host who loves the environment. We are thrilled that his show now streams every day on the new GDGD Radio Network from 2 – 4pm ET. We talk about a lot of things, but we were trying to focus on the importance of pollinators in this episode . . .
Posted 10 years ago Tagged
Yo! If you care about pollution and want more renewable energy, take action and let your voice be heard – you have till Dec. 1! Listen to this awesome Green Divas myEARTH360 to find out more.
Posted 10 years ago Tagged
Want to give something super thoughtful, low-stress, and not another bottle of wine or booze to the hosts of your holiday parties this year? Listen to these great ideas from Green Diva DIYer Leigh from Green 4 u . . .
Posted 10 years ago Tagged
Green Diva Kate Bartolotta, founder Be You Media Group, offers up some great strategies to keep healthy through the busy and fun holiday season. Specific tips for sticking to your healthiest way of eating wherever we go throughout this season of celebrating with food and fun.
Posted 10 years ago Tagged
Robyn O’Brien is kicking foodie butt and helping us understand the truth about our current food system and why we need to make some big changes. Listen to her as the featured segment of this great Green Divas Radio Show, which also features myEARTH360 report and a couple of useful segments to keep the holidays sane and healthy this year.
Posted 10 years ago Tagged
We need more dudes like Ed Fallon, who has demonstrated his passion for earth in many ways. First he served in government office in the state of Iowa, and then walked across the U.S. during the People’s Climate March to help raise awareness of the realities of climate change. Interesting and inspiring dude.