Green Divas Radio Show: Marilyn Mehlmann

After you listen to the thoughtful Green Dude segment with Rolly Montpelier about climate change depression and how to counteract it, you’ll want to stay tuned for our feature interview with Marilyn Mehlmann, who is the General Secretary of Global Action Plan. She called in from Europe, where she is based. Much more to this great show. Listen up!

Green Divas Health & Beauty: Spring Equinox Detox

Spring is in the air and it is time to do some spring cleaning – inside and out! Get ready to do a wonderful mindful detox that integrates mind-body-spirit with Jessica Durivage and Rebelle Wellness in this Green Divas Health & Beauty podcast.

Green Divas Health & Beauty: Cosmetic Terms

The beautiful and talented natural makeup artist and green beauty consultant, Kristen Arnett does another great Green Divas Health & Beauty segment. This podcast is all about the various terms for “natural” used in cosmetics and skincare products and what they really mean (hint: they don’t mean much!)