Green Moxie Nikki (aka Green Diva Nikki) offers some great tips for keeping garden pests under control without chemicals.
Posted 10 years ago Tagged
Green Diva Lynn Hasselberger reports on President Obama’s latest announcement about his aggressive Clean Power Plan.
Posted 10 years ago Tagged
Think lead is a problem from the past? Think again. We speak with Tamara Rubin who shares her very personal inspiration for starting Lead Safe America and her mission to help educate us about the present danger of lead. Also, a great green dude segment with Ian Monroe of Oro Eco, and a Green Divas Health & Beauty with Brigitte Mars on how to make your own herbal tinctures.
Posted 10 years ago Tagged
Seam Siren, Mary Wutz, chats with Green Diva Meg about weaving wellness into fashion.
Posted 10 years ago Tagged
Ian Monroe talked about how to save the world using our cell phones and digital devices.
Posted 10 years ago Tagged
Love Rainbeau Mars! Green Divas Lynn Hasselberger and Megan McWilliams had a chance not only to meet her and do yoga with her, AND talk to her as the feature of this show, but they did her 21-Day Superstar Cleanse. Listen for details on how that went. Also listen for a great Green Dude segment with Laurence Overmire, and a Green Divas Heart Wildlife segment with Lori Ann Burd.