Green Diva Meg got to speak with Farm Sanctuary founder Gene Bauer, and we had a special visit in Green Diva Studio with Climate Mama Harriet Shugarman about the road to Paris COP21, and so much more.
Posted 10 years ago Tagged
Harriet Shugarman, aka Climate Mama stopped by the studio to do a special Green Divas myEARTH360 report on the many fabulous events and activities leading up to the big Paris COP21 conference coming up later this fall. You’ll want to find out what’s happening and how you can get involved.
Posted 10 years ago Tagged
Green Diva Lynn Hasselberger fills us in on World Water Week 2015 and gives us some statistics that remind us why we need to pay attention!
Posted 10 years ago Tagged
Holly and Joey Baird the Wisconsin Vegetable Gardeners talk about why nitrogen is important for plants and soil and what plants actually produce nitrogen naturally.
Posted 10 years ago Tagged
We loved our conversation with Ken Cook, Founder of Environmental Working Group (EWG) so much that we recycled it for this show and sprinkled in some excellent new segments including a Green Divas @ Home about non-toxic bathroom fixes; a Green Divas product review about a few organic bathroom linens; a Green Divas Green Thumb and more.
Posted 10 years ago Tagged
Dr. Karen Lee offers some natural, non-toxic fixes to common bathroom issues, including a great way to unclog a drain without nasty chemicals.