Green Divas Radio Show: Portland Maine

A wonderful reunion with Green Diva Lisa in Portland Maine, which is a hip and very sustainable city. Other segments include Green Dude (Boomer Warrior) Rolly Montpelier in the first of our series of discussions on population; a Green Dude DIY w/ Jeff MacIntire-Strasburg (Sustainablog) on how to make human-powered washing machines and plastic mats for the homeless; a fun Inspired Green Divas segment with the ever feisty Jenny G. Perry on slacker parenting and why it’s ok.

Green Divas Radio Show: Indigenous Women for Climate Justice

This show has many great segments, but the feature is a powerful one with Osprey Orielle Lake, Founder of WECAN (Women Earth and Climate Action Network), who talks about indigenous women around the globe that are standing up for climate action and climate justice. Other segments include Green Dude Mike Nowak on a recycling rant; the Creative Vegetable Gardener on choosing seeds for spring planting; Lisa Beres, of Ron & Lisa about improving indoor air quality; and sorry about the vegetarian Valentine’s menu segment, the volume on Diana Rice is way too low and couldn’t be fixed. It’s only that segment tho. 🙁