Green Divas 6.18.11 – Graham Hill,

Well, we managed to fit an amazing amount of fun into one hour! Green Diva Lisa participated from Lake Placid. Green Diva Correspondent Nomi Lyonns called in from an island on the West Coast of Canada. And Graham Hill called in to talk about AND his new awesome project – we only disconnected him from our board once . . . ugh! He was a gracious guest and offered some really great ideas and information.

Green Divas 6.11.11 – the GMO debate

To GMO or not to GMO that is the question. We tried to offer some subjective reporting, but as it turns out, we are all fairly clear that we prefer non-GMO, non-GE food. (GMO = Genetically Modified Organisms, aka GE = Genetically Engineered). We discussed a wonderful article that guest Green Diva blogger, Nancy Dreyfus posted on our blog, which offers great 411 at 101 level on GMO/GE (did you get all that?). We also had a fun call from Green Diva Correspondent, Kimberly Phipps-Nichol with news from Reno, Nevada.