Who knew there was even such a thing as recycled ceramics? Learn about a couple of relevant ways to have eco-friendly dishes & mugs.
Posted 13 years ago Tagged aromatherapy relaxation
Be creative and “make” the time to care for yourself so you can live a rewarding and deeply compassionate life.
Posted 14 years ago Tagged
A fun segment sponsored by Essentia (myessentia.com) that features ideas for going a deeper shade of green from the hilarious book by the same title (Sleeping Naked is Green) by Vanessa Farquharson.
Posted 14 years ago Tagged
Celebrating el sol (the sun), which has been sorely missed this last week in particular – we talked about new ways to get solar energy without breaking the bank. Shannon Coulter from 1 Block Off the Grid talked about cooperative buying for solar and GD Scotty did a report about leasing solar for your house. We also had a wonderful Green Diva Correspondent report from Laima Brown from Gulf Shores, Alabama, who gave us an update on how things are going with the gulf oil spill clean up. Our sleeping naked is green segment featured information on traveling green.
Posted 14 years ago Tagged
A lot of Green Irene post-hurricane discussion – ideas for how to get through without electricity and other post-disaster issues and GD Lisa had some great ideas for considering greener, non-toxic materials as some of us make choices in rebuilding and renovating. Our feature interview was with the lovely and amazing Green Reaper, Elizabeth Fournier, author and funeral director who is a leader in creating meaningful green goodbyes.
Posted 14 years ago Tagged
We spent a lot of time talking about practical and green hurricane preparation on this show. Some great ideas from GD Lisa and one of our listeners that called in. We also had a great interview with Care2.com founder and CEO, Randy Paynter.