Had a great time on Ebru Today talking about how to detox our homes as we prepare to seal ourselves in for the colder months. I focused primarily on cleaning products because I think so many folks don’t realize just how toxic they can be and how important it is, especially when our homes are closed up during the colder season, to try to reduce our exposure to toxic chemicals.
Posted 12 years ago Tagged apple crumble CSA local food Recipes
When did apple picking become such a competitive sport? We went out with a couple of the kids and our grand kids this past weekend and when we pulled up to the farm driveway and saw lots of official looking men with flags to direct traffic and that cars were already overflowing into a new parking field at 10am, we kind of knew we might be in for a serious adventure. We noted all the “security” people and it just didn’t seem congruent with a day at the farm.
Posted 12 years ago Tagged dessert dessert recipe healthy cooking
Watch this fun little video ditty featuring Green Diva Meg making coconut chia seed pudding […]
Posted 12 years ago Tagged organic organic food pesticides sustainable agriculture
This green diva has to weigh in on all the buzz and banter about the latest study from Stanford about the lack of nutritional benefit from eating organic food. There is a lot of evidence that I wasn’t the only one irritated and quite surprised to see how this study was spun into a pro-chemical pesticide and fertilizer piece.
Posted 13 years ago Tagged food labeling food safety GMOs
I was introduced to a wonderful new film project that Mariel Hemingway is behind called Stop Monsanto. I’m excited about the film and hope you will be too. I had the opportunity to correspond with Ms. Hemingway about the film and the issues behind it (GMO/GE food).
Posted 13 years ago Tagged
We all know that taking care of our teeth is very important. What makes a […]