I’ve had the good fortune to travel a lot for work and play. This past […]
Posted 13 years ago Tagged agriculture farms
In 2007, I had the opportunity to stay at Knoll Farm in Vermont for a […]
Posted 13 years ago Tagged
Here are a few of the links that were relevant to the 3.31.12 show The Green […]
Posted 13 years ago Tagged fuel economy
This Green Divas is a consummate road warrior. I usually travel alone, but this time, I got to travel with my daughter-in-law from New Jersey to Austin, TX. Some would see the trip as being stuck in a car for a few days. I see it as having a chance to have my daughter-in-law all to myself for a few days. And if I am traveling on my own, I get excited about catching up on some books-on-tape or working on some language skills, etc. Here are some of the ways I take care of myself while on the road so that I am not burned out when I arrive.
Posted 14 years ago Tagged AAA eco-travel
I have been a member of AAA since the 70’s and they have been very good to me so when I found out about the Better World Club from Green America, I found my loyal self in a quandary. Well, not really, I know I need to take action and make a change. The Better World Club seems to offer everything (and more in many cases) than AAA, but in a more earth-friendly way.