We’ve been conditioned to run to the doctor at the first sign of illness. However, the body is a self-healing organism, and too often we neglect the very thing that can help us heal – the mind. The amazing human body is always fighting infectious agents, cancer cells, the aging process and much more. With a clear connection between the way our brains work and the way our bodies feel, it would make sense to ensure we give our bodies the means to heal itself by using the mind to support and promote physical health. Here are a few ways the brain impacts physical health.
The placebo effect
Many studies and medical trials have shown that placebos can work just as well as the medicine itself. It is generally a case of the patient or subject expecting the treatment to work. For instance, a sugar pill that is given as a headache remedy, will likely ease a headache. This can have a similar effect when physical therapy for an injury is needed. So, it definitely makes sense to focus on the benefits of any treatment to improve the outcome.
Sleep better by writing stuff down
When our minds are cluttered with events of the day and all that still needs to be done, falling asleep and getting a good night’s sleep can be difficult. Our brains simply cannot shut off if there are tasks left undone and there are worries circling in loops. It is possible to clear the mind enough to help bring on healthy sleep, by writing down the thoughts that won’t quit. Writing down to-do lists for the next day, has actually been found to help bring us to sleep an average of 9 minutes faster than simple journaling. A good night’s sleep is critical to maintaining physical and mental health, as the body does most of its repair work at night.
Positivity works
There are people who are plagued by constant sickness and many have low-functioning immune systems. There are things you can do to boost your immune system and stay healthier. Optimism is a little known or underutilized tool for immune boosting. Studies have shown that positive people, are less likely to get ill. Optimistic people tend to take better care of their health.
Energy healing can help when medications fail
Sometimes, medicine is exactly what we need to heal, but there are many factors that influence the effectiveness of certain medications. For example, hormonal imbalances, high blood pressure, poor quality of sleep and some stomach conditions can all change the intended effect of medical treatment. For this reason, many people have found alternatives to traditional medicine, such as energy healing, highly effective. Reputable energy healers, such as Daerick, can successfully treat all manner of conditions without the use of medicine, such as viral infections, depression, autoimmune diseases and more.
Learning how to harness the power of the mind to help heal the body has many benefits.