By Green Diva Lindsay Coulter.
Listen to my Green Divas At Home segment to find out what’s considered unflushable…
What have water treatment plant workers ever done to you?
Make their jobs easier—and give the environment a break while you’re at it.
Allow me to introduce the “unflushables”:
1. Tampons
Despite what the commercials say, tampons (and applicators) go in the garbage, ladies. Don’t wait for “that time of the month” to change your ways. Omit disposables today.
2. Condoms
Gentlemen, you’re not off the hook. Condoms are garbage, too.

3. Hair
When did you last clean your hair brush? (That’s disgusting.) Hygiene aside, compost or trash that hair and everything you rescue from the drain trap to prevent clogs.
Attention ladies: this is how to convince your man NOT to shave over the bathroom sink! (Throw in lingo from What happens when I flush (PDF) like “stretching the capacity of the wastewater infrastructure.”)
4. Floss
Don’t let me get in the way of adding a year to your life expectancy with daily flossing. Just don’t flush it!
5. Disposable wipe-y products
There’s a trio of common disposables—baby wipes, mopping pads and cleaning cloths. All will block sewers or harm the environment. It’s time to make your own baby wipe solution and reuse cloths.
What other items make-up your city’s unflushable list?
Listen to the latest Green Divas Radio Show…
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Linsday Coulter, David Suzuki’s Queen of Green, answers your green living questions and offers tips and recipes to make your life easier on the environment. It’s all about green living made easy!
Holding strong to the roots of the David Suzuki Foundation brand, Lindsay Coulter communicates the small steps to not only inform, but also empower Canadians to live “green” without guilt or the feeling of being overwhelmed. Her voice, tone, and sense of humor has the ability to lift, persuade and sometime shove people out of “what can I do” mode!
The Queen of Green seeks to build an engaged citizenry that starts with actions they can take at home, then into their neighbourhoods and communities to protect nature and improve our quality of life.