Hot time in the GD studio this week! It was 95 degrees and the air conditioning vents in the studio aren’t flowing – ahhhhh. We managed to keep our cool and have a great show anyway. ALWAYS fun to have Jeff Yeager, the Ultimate Cheapskate on the line to talk how saving green is GREEN. He had some great tips for cool summer green living. We also got to talk about his new video series. More on that, please keep reading . . .
Also had a call from our green sista from the Green Sisterhood, Jenny Bradford publisher of the awesome Conscientious Confusion blog, who did an excellent report on the March on Monsanto event she went to in Dallas, Texas. Make sure to listen to this excellent report about why we need to keep the momentum going.
Lovin’ our green audio dude, Rob who has cleared up some of our nagging technical issues – finally! wooooooohoooooo! This is Rob behind Mizar’s daughter’s psychedelic laptop making stuff happen!

Listen to the podcast of this great show featuring the Ultimate Cheapskate, Jeff Yeager . . . or keep reading . . .
GD Correspondent: Jenny Bradford, Dallas, TX
Jenny offered a great report on her experience at the March Against Monsanto, which she and friend and fellow blogger mom Valerie Rowekamp of Charmed Valerie attended in Dallas, Texas. This is a great short video of the Dallas march including Jenny and Valerie! Check out Jenny’s own blog post about the March against Monsanto on Conscientious Confusion, and see a fun video of she and Valerie talking about the march in the car ride home from the event.
Green Diva Mizar’s DIY: Repurposed Bottles into Tiki Torches!
Green Diva Mizar does it again . . . I’ve got DIY envy! I’m definitely going to go out and get the few supplies needed to make these fun tiki torches made from up cycled glass bottles! Listen to the fun 5-min podcast of GD Mizar’s DIY Tiki Torches
Get Step-by-Step instructions on how to make your own tiki torches out of old beer bottles!
Feature Interview: Jeff Yeager, the Ultimate Cheapskate
Jeff is our favorite Ultimate Cheapskate and a regular on the GD Show. He’s been busy lately doing a fun video series produced by AARP, on his own new YouTube channel, The Cheap Life with Jeff Yeager. They are very entertaining AND informative. Highly recommend going to the channel and viewing them.
When he’s not producing these great videos, he has been writing yet another book, How to Retire the Cheapskate Way, which is due out soon.
Jeff had some great ideas for ways to save green, while being green this summer.
Listen to the podcast to hear all of Jeff Yeager’s great ideas for a being cheap and green this summer!
eat. blog. be merry!
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