A lot of news from Green Divas HQ! First of all, the Green Divas are thrilled to announce that they will be back on the air every Thursday afternoon starting November 1. Not only will the Green Divas Radio Show be back, but coming to you live from their very own studio built in the new GD HQ! And as if that’s not exciting enough, Green Diva Meg will be joined by new Green Diva co-host, Mizar Turdiu. If you scratch this veteran TV news anchor and broadcast professional, she is all Green Diva inside!

If GD Meg is ‘short & sassy’, then Green Diva Mizar is ‘bold & brassy’. GD Mizar brings a delightful and zany passion for healthier, more sustainable living. She’s colorful. She’s creative. She’s fun and fits right in. The only problem is that the two of them could talk ALL day long! Don’t worry. They plan to pipe down long enough to let their guests get a few words in.
Fans of the Green Divas Radio Show can look forward to the same caliber of featured A-list guests that include celebrities, big thinkers, relevant authors, creative innovators and just plain cool folks. The guests mostly love being on the show and tend to come back. Recent guests have included: Jessica Alba, Ed Begley, Jr., Fran Drescher, Mariel Hemingway. The schedule is already booking up for the remainder of 2012, and will include regulars like favorite green car dude, John Voelcker, Sr. Editor of GreenCarReports.com. If you want to know anything about hybrids, EVs, fuel cells, biodiesels or whatever the latest green car tech might be, John is one of the top green car authorities and squeezes the Green Divas in between his many appearances on CNN, NPR, and all the major broadcast networks for TV and radio.
Listeners can expect more low-stress ideas for living a deeper shade of green with practical tips delivered with a sense of humor through fun segments like the Green Dude segment for the green dudes of course; Mizar’s creative repurposing ideas; and of course Green Divas and Dudes are foodies – lots of talk about healthy, sustainable, delicious, organic, local, omnivorous, raw, baked, fresh off the farm/garden, etc.
There are always interesting (and often hysterical) green product reviews, and each show will feature a Green Diva somewhere in the country or the world who will call in with a GD Correspondent report on what is going on in their communities.
Listeners can tune in every Thursday afternoon from 4 – 5pm EST and participate in various ways through social media (Facebook & Twitter) or just listen and enjoy the show via HomeGrownRadioNJ.org. The show will then be podcast in its entirety and can be found on iTunes, TheGreenDivas.com, and many of our online media partners like Care2.com, Ecomii.com, Important Media blogs (EatDrinkBetter.com, FeelGoodStyle.com, GreenLivingIdeas.com +) and many others.
The Green Divas will also create shorter 5-min podcasts of their fun segments for quick and easy listening, and will also podcast Green Light: Short & Sassy and Green Light: Short & Brassy 1.5 min ditties to get great information in small bits.
Join in the fun and make sure to put The Green Divas Radio Show on your calendar and just in case you miss the live show, make sure to subscribe to the GDs iTunes podcast!