Join the Green Divas and our friends at Eco-Friendly Printer and take the KNOW YOUR GREEN quiz. A new prize awarded every week! Go to our Facebook page find the quiz and weigh in with your answer.
The quiz will run from Saturday to Saturday. We’ll draw a winner from all the correct answers and announce the winner on our live show on WMTR from 10-11am EST every Saturday. Tune in to see who will win a prize from:
. . . and to hear about the this week’s quiz!
What is the Greenest Available Car Technology?
a. Hybrid
b. Electric
c. Bio Diesel
d. Very Efficient Gas Engine
The prize for this week’s winner (chosen randomly from a hat live on the air Saturday, January 14 from those that picked the correct answer) will be a Organic T-Shirts & $50 from the Eco Friendly Printer
Please find the quiz on the Green Divas Facebook Page and PLAY!