Here are a few of the links that were relevant to the 10.29.11 show
The Green Divas on Facebook
The Green Divas on iTunes
The Green Divas on WMTR
GUEST GREEN DUDE: Bob Leonard, Founder EarthGarage.com
Earth Garage is a wonderful website on how drive green without having to drive a hybrid or an electric car.
Bob traveled to the studio today using a new fun iPhone App Go Drive Green. It maps out your drive and rates you driving in terms of fuel efficiency. This method helps to retrain driving habits to a style that treads a little lighter on the planet.
Here’s a couple of green driving tips:
- Did you know that cruise control is a big saver of fuel and your carbon output
- We all know that it is important to check the air pressure on your tires. Get your own gauge so it is easy to check more frequently
- Fill your tires with 100% Nitrogen. Yes, Nitrogen, lasts much longer
- Install Microgreen Oil Filter – It extends the range of your oil change – up to 30,000 and save up to $120 a year!
- Wiper Blades made out of silicon rather than rubber which lasts much longer
Ecotouch Promotion!! for Dashboard cleaning Products go to facebook find Earth Garage and ‘like’ until sunday the 30th.
This week GD Marie talked about:
- A make-up artist friend of her’s turned her onto this great line of natural skin care and make up – Betterskin.com
- Find out what toxic ingredients are in your make up and skin products at Safecosmetics.org.
This fun, new weekly segment is sponsored by Essentia, The Only All Natural Memory Foam Mattress in the World!
Every week we will discuss an entry from this hilarious and totally practical book, Sleeping Naked is Green by Vanessa Farquharson.
Listen to this week’s 5-min segment – SNiG#8: Eat Your Pumpkin
Pumpkin Facts
- low in Saturated Fat
- very low in Cholesterol and Sodium
- good source of Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol), Thiamin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Iron, Magnesium and Phosphorus
- a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Riboflavin, Potassium, Copper and Manganese.
Did you know . . .
- Pumpkin flowers are edible
- The largest pumpkin pie ever made was over five feet in diameter and weighed over 350 pounds. It used 80 pounds of cooked pumpkin, 36 pounds of sugar, 12 dozen eggs and took six hours to bake
- In early colonial times, pumpkins were used as an ingredient for the crust of pies, not the fillings
- Pumpkins were once recommended for removing freckles and curing snake bites
- The largest pumpkin ever grown weighed 1,140 pounds
- Pumpkins are 90 percent water
- Native Americans flattened strips of pumpkins, dried them and made mats
- Native Americans used pumpkin seeds for food and medicine
Check the blog for GD Lisa’s Pumpkin recipes!
FEATURED GUEST: Lara Kelly – Clean & Green Coordinator for Northern Liberties neighborhood of Philadelphia
Northern Liberties is a small Philadelphia neighborhood of 60,000 people. Lara works with the neighborhood association to get the community involved in sustainable living through programs like composting workshops, Seed Bombing, and learning about a local company that collects all old computer components and small electrical appliances to keep more toxic junk out of the land fills.
There is a great Christmas tree recycling event every year after Christmas, where everyone brings their trees to get run through a chipper to make mulch for the local dog park and other neighborhood areas.
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