Here are a few of the links that were relevant to the 10.8.11 show
The Green Divas on Facebook
The Green Divas on iTunes
The Green Divas on WMTR
- Light Bulb Finder – Free Mobile App to help clear up the eco-light bulb confusion, offering personalized analysis and options. Veiw cost, savings, and environmental impact for each type of bulb – and where to find them!
- Did you know: there is less mercury in a CFL light bulb than in 2 lbs. of Swordfish? ahhhhhhhh
This fun, new weekly segment is sponsored by Essentia, The Only All Natural Memory Foam Mattress in the World!
Every week will discuss an entry from this hilarious and totally practical book, Sleeping Naked is Green by Vanessa Farquharson.
Listen to this week’s 5-min segment – SNiG#5: Share, Borrow & Barter More
Finding ways to Share, Borrow & Barter More
Intentional Communities
Eco-Villages, Co-Housing Communities, Urban Housing Cooperatives, Residential Land Trusts, Student Coops.
Book Sharing: LIBRARIES!?
- BookCrossing
- BookMooch – book trading
Community Bartering
TAKE TWO: Repurposing with GD Lisa
Turn TV Armoire into a puppet theater for your kids – now that we have flat tv’s we don’t need those clunky TV armoires anymore. Grab some paint from the garage, give it an imaginative facelift, hang a curtain across the opening with a tension rod and make your own puppet shows.
Use & Re-Use those Spooky Pumpkins – Instead of carving a pumpkin for halloween, paint it so you can use the insides to make a pie and healthy roasted seeds, and/or soup. Check out milk pumpkins for lots of sweet pumpkin meat. The skin is light in color and smooth, which makes for easy decorating.
FEATURED GUEST: Philip Campbell from the UK – Living Ark Project
http://prea.mp <- tech for digital nomads
http://ark.me.dm <- the living ark project
http://fibreca.mp <- social media web tv
Little bit on Green Energy
Coal – $53 billion spent on gross external damage (GED) – much more costly than the benefits returned. See GD Lisa’s Post below for more on coal and green energy.
Politifact – non-partisan fact-checking
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“Like” us on Facebook and mention G2 Organics to get in the running for G2 product give away!
Green City Challenge – Race for the cause Oct 23rd in NYC