As the Green Dude on The Green Divas Radio Show, I am often referred to as the “token testosterone,” and with the opening of the weekly show which airs on WMTR 1250 AM every Saturday morning, I am referred to as the Green Divas’ “sidekick.”
These are indeed indisputable facts, as I am in no way a diva and as a former active duty Marine, twenty-one years as a Police Officer and twenty years as a farmer it is fair to say I am testosterone laden. As far as being a sidekick? I am gladly aligned with The Green Divas and their no-nonsense approach to weeding through all of the information about green and sustainable living and the many allegedly green products and manufacturers out there.
So where do I fit in with this fast-growing green mess? I fit in best with The Green Divas, because I am just an average guy with an average education, average income and no particular interest in hugging trees. What I offer as part of The Green Divas, is a desire to find out how this green revolution can help or maybe even hinder my life day-to-day. I give a voice to the common Joe and sometimes a few Janes who want to know how they can benefit from or get involved in sustainable living and maybe even get the power company to pay them instead of giving up their entire paycheck to keep their kids warm and house lit.
As the “experts” argue over global warming, climate change, whatever . . . I am reminded of a course I took in college on research and statistics and how so many variables affect the results. A study by the Fuzzy Yellow Bunny Guild found that fuzzy yellow bunnies make people laugh . . . ok you LOL’d but you get my point. Even surveys are not reliable as a majority of us rarely if ever submit to one. So you are getting survey results from the kind of people who take surveys. As raw as it may sound the best way to see how the population thinks about a subject is to see where they are spending their hard-earned cash.
Yes I agree it is not perfect, but hell, I know some of you once bought a rock – a pet rock. But when it comes to trends in the purchase of necessities and if those trends stay in place long enough then we have a population that has made a choice. Today as we walk through a store we see words like organic and environmentally safe and green. These labels are being placed on more products everyday because it is what we want.
The Green Divas watch for trends in the marketplace, our communities, in business and try to keep an eye on ever-changing regulations that affect what is available to you.
Why should you care? I mean seriously if you aren’t a tree-hugging, crunchy-hairy-legged-green monster, I’m with you. The Green Divas don’t suggest that we all live in a commune, give up shaving, and eat road kill and tree bark. The Green Divas Radio Show is an open conversation about sustainable living and the worldwide trend toward preserving our natural resources and becoming a little smarter about how we live and care for ourselves.
So friends, let me have it. What is the difference between Global Warming and Climate Change?