Green Diva Lisa’s tip of the day
This is the time of year when we want to wear skirts after the long chilling winter. But eeek, those legs. I don’t need to talk about all the footprint and landfill evils of panty hose. My solution? I wear pants or skirts with boots in the cold months and make my own natural panty hose in the warmer months. No, ladies you don’t have to wear panty hose, just get your legs out in the sun enough to give them a little color while getting a much-needed dose of vitamin D. I’ve read that you will get the Vitamin D you need by being out in the sun for 5-30 minutes at a time about twice a week. It won’t take long to color up those legs on that schedule! But, don’t stay out too long.
So here I am on the deck at our GD office writing to you while making panty hose and getting my much-needed dose of vitamin D. I love my life.