“The fault, dear Brutus, is not in the stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings.”
– Julius Caesar I, ii 140-141
The TerraScope is a refreshing twist on the traditional horoscope – an earth based system using a combination of tarot, sun signs, and intuition.
March 2011
ARIES (March 21-April 19) This is an exciting month for you of beginnings and endings and rewarding work. You will be swept along by outside events. Don’t give any one situation too much energy because everything will change quickly. There is no point in putting yourself on an emotional roller coaster or a merry-go-round.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Wave the white flag of surrender, this is a peace making month. Declare a truce with everyone and everything. “They” may try to start a fight or war with you, but don’t be seduced. Keep peace in mind and find ways to focus on peaceful thoughts about people, situations, and money.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) This is your month to be everybody’s patron saint! For March only just try to be a helper, a cheerleader, a supporter, etc. to everyone you meet. Don’t let the braggarts get to you, encourage them. Keep it up all month and don’t get discouraged. The results will surprise you.
CANCER (June 21-July 22) First figure out what being true to yourself means to you. It may take all month or even longer to make being true to yourself meaningful. However, it is worthwhile work. You are then freed to chose what you are willing to do in work, in relationships, and in life.
LEO (July 23-August 22) Sometimes you can do no wrong. Everything just keeps getting better and better this month. Don’t be worried about appearances. No matter how things look, you are getting better, your emotional life is getting better, and so are your finances. Relax, take a mini vacation and find time for fun.
VIRGO (August 23-September 22) You are good and kind and loving. People see that in you and expect it from you. Sometimes you get tired of being the “nice guy”. Don’t bother, you can’t help it. It takes too much of your energy to fight your own nature. After the 21st everything is easier.
LIBRA (September 23-October 22) Forget balance just for this month. Cut loose and do something wild and wonderful. Pay no attention to old disappointments. They have gone the way of winter. You have a few surprises up your sleeve. Put them into action. There are bright prospects for you at work and socially.
SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) Don’t bother trying to “fix” anything this month. Just sit back and watch what is going on. You will be tempted to jump in and save the day. Resist the urge to be Super Person. The next few months will be easier if you learn the lesson of personal restraint.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21) You are surrounded by love this month – new loves, old loves and current loves. Be open to giving as well as receiving. Don’t be surprised if you acquire a new pet. Almost anything can and will happen. Even difficult people will respond to extra kindness from you. Write a journal!
CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19) You have a tug-of-war going on within you. The “battle” is about who is going to be in charge of your life. Will it be you or will it be the old rule givers of your childhood and youth? Your happiness depends on your answer. The decision is yours.
AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) Take time this month to figure out what you want to keep in your life and what you want to let go of. Often it is not possible to let go of your obligations because of prior commitments. Other things may be discarded. Letting go of just one thing is easy.
PISCES (February 19-March 20) Be as kind as possible to all your family and co-workers. They need gentleness and so do you. There are other ways of cooperation. Sometimes you just need to let them find their own way. Your creative mind discovers new paths faster than most. Others will catch up eventually.
Green Diva Jean lives in Maine and does readings by phone. Email memphjean@yahoo.com to find out more!