TerraScope for September 2010
September is here – ahhhhh! If you missed the show last night, you’ll want to find your TerraScope for this month below. Green Diva Jean Brookwell offers us a unique (and wickedly accurate) twist on a traditional horoscope using her own special earth-based astrology, which is a combination of intuition and astrology.
GD Jean Brookwell lives in Maine and does private readings (by phone if you can’t get to Maine).
“The fault, dear Brutus, is not in the stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings.” Julius Caesar I, ii 140-141
ARIES (March 21-April 19) Don’t give up or give in. Remember, you are in charge. Reclaim your kingdom/queendom and if need be, banish those who forget to bow/curtsy. Trust yourself and your process, no matter how loud the jeers of the crowd. The mob simply doesn’t understand the wonder that is you.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) The world is your oyster, so you own the great big pearl hidden inside the rough shell. Don’t be fooled by difficult appearances. Look beyond to the lustrous outcome. If you quit because of hostile circumstances, someone else will find the ownerless pearl. Don’t walk away, thereby abandoning your miracle.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Sometimes the only thing standing between you and abundance is your belief in lack. It is OK to be happy. It is acceptable to have a nice life. You don’t have to suffer because you are talented. Give yourself a break. Let things come easily to you. You’re a winner!
CANCER (June21-July 22) This month it is a good idea to keep reminding yourself that you have seen it all AND dealt with it successfully. As obstacles and opportunities arise, remember to search your memory bank. The answer to many situations in the present can be found in your past. Harvest your experience.
LEO (July23-August 22) You don’t need anyone to tell you where to go, what to do, or how to do it. You are your own person. You are free to do what seems right to you, even if it involves breaking old rules. Move away from the part of you that urges caution.
VIRGO (August 23-September22) You’ve been jumping through hoops trying to keep everyone happy. The trouble is that they aren’t happy and neither are you. No matter how hard you try, you can’t make other people happy. They are in charge of their own happiness. Devote your efforts to satisfying yourself. Enjoy your life.
LIBRA (September 23-October 22) This month is about increasing your income in a variety of ways. You will find clues to new financial opportunities in your past. “What did I do that I loved?” is a good question to ask. Another clue is to consider your work-life as a Chinese menu. ( Choose from Column A-Column B)
SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) The concept for this month is balance. There is a need for you to be aware of bringing your life into balance-physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. When you are balanced, your finances and social relations will also improve, although maybe not immediately. Sometimes balance requires letting go of props.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21) This month think of yourself as a magician. Nothing is impossible for you. In order to release your magic powers all you have to do is practice “no resistance”. Simply give up all resistance to thought, word and deed. Say to yourself,”It is what it is.” Watch what happens!
CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19) You need time by yourself, peace, and quiet in order to process old losses. The reason you need to do this is because new ideas, things and people are coming in to your life. If you haven’t said good-by to the old, you won’t be ready to welcome the new.
AQUARIUS (January20-February 18) This month is about beginnings, endings and the eternal. The other signs couldn’t or wouldn’t be able to deal with this. But for you, Aquarius, it is all to be taken in stride. Once you recognize and name the situation as a beginning, ending or eternal, you can handle it.
PISCES (February 19-March 20) Stop looking for love and success! If you search, you will automatically look in the wrong places. Then you feel awful. You already have love and success. If you can’t see them, it is not their fault. Who is doing the looking? Believe love and success are in every situation!
Email memphjean@yahoo.com to find out more!